01. 第二届川渝住博会看点第二辑:这些企业亮点纷呈
Highlights of 2022 Sichuan-Chongqing Housing and Urban & Rural Development Expo
2021年,首届川渝住博会在成都成功举办。展览面积为4.8万平方米,共吸引英国、意大利、新加坡等8个国家和地区,成都、自贡、万州等40个川渝市(州)、区(县)参展参会,80余名国内外知名专家学者和3.5万观众到场交流参观。2022川渝住博会将于近期在重庆举办,继续以“川渝合作 共建高品质生活宜居地”为主题,全方位展示川渝两地高品质生活宜居地建设成果。
In 2021, the first Sichuan-Chongqing Housing and Urban & Rural Development Expo (Housing Expo) was successfully held in Chengdu. Covering an exhibition area of 48,000 square meters, the expo attracted visitors and exhibitors from 8 countries and regions including the UK, Italy and Singapore, and 40 Sichuan and Chongqing cities (prefectures) and districts (counties) including Chengdu, Zigong and Wanzhou, and 80-plus domestic and overseas well-known experts and scholars and 35,000 viewers came to the expo for visits and exchanges. The 2022 Housing Expo will be held in Chongqing soon with the same theme of “Sichuan and Chongqing Join Hands to Build High-quality Livability” to fully display the construction achievements of livable place for high-quality life in Sichuan and Chongqing.